Hemington Primary School is a small village school serving, as it has done since 1878, the beautiful Leicestershire villages of Hemington and Lockington. We have an excellent reputation and welcome children from the two villages, Castle Donington and the surrounding area.
As the main amenities for the villages are the Church and Village Hall in Lockington and the Public House and the School in Hemington, the school has a particularly important role within the community. We pride ourselves on the nurturing environment we provide for the children, dedicated staff and governing body and strong parental support. Please click on the links below to see what our classes have been learning about, participating in and enjoying!
At Hemington we want to create a happy, caring, inclusive environment which enables the development of confident, independent learners who have the opportunity to achieve their potential and develop future ambitions.
Our school comprises of dedicated staff, an enthusiastic governing body and supportive parents who encourage the children to achieve their potential. All our staff are dedicated to ensuring the safety and nurturing of all our pupils and we pride ourselves on our inclusive, caring environment. The school has a friendly, family feel enabling all pupils to feel safe and secure, which allows all pupils to access their learning and to develop to the best of their ability. We have an open door policy and are available to speak with parents and welcome families into our school whenever possible.